Sunday, May 10, 2009

holiday in my hometown

2 weeks of holiday just ended.
Finished IT test with no confidence.
There will be more tests coming soon.

What did i do during my 2 weeks holiday?
Let the photo to tell u the story..


Concert of Raymond Looi and Rev Chong Hon Lim on 9th of May.
The concert is great, awesome..(thumbs up)

Happy Mother's Day

Celebrated this special day at my relative's house. Played with her cutie puppy.

Cheesy Cheese cake..nice!!

Practise Praise and Worship for Sunday service.

Jackey and i (pretending)

BB and GB members organized a farewell party to Alex who currently at Chicago right now to attend a training for three months.
"yum cha" in Indah Club

Grab from facebook..haha

Went to fishing at Stephen's "san bah".

Thanks Timothy for fetching us to the destination.
Khong's dad and mum accompany us for the whole afternoon.


Timothy and Khen

Siah and Khong

With our patience,
everyone of us did caught up at least one fish. (thumbs up)

Moreover, i went to library, have a drink with friends, chit chat with Lisa and Sophia, played badminton, jogging..etc

Back to KL life.
Winnie's mum did passed a box of things to Winnie and so..We met up in Sunway Piramid yesterday. Talked a lot and eat a lot. Besides, we walked in popular for 2 to 3 hours. What are the things attracted us to stayed there for so long??

Went to church at night and met up with Marilyn.

Wen Wei, Marilyn and i

Before the holidays start,
My lecturer who teachs us English gave us a bookmark, so called the golden rule of life.
It stated treat others as you would like to be treated.
Layanilah orang lain sepertimana kamu mahu dilayani.
已所不欲,勿施於人 .

At the back is stated about the Golden Rule in World Religions.
For Christianity, Whatever you wish that others do to you, do so to them- this is the sum of (God's) law, and (the teaching of the prophets).

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